Tuesday, April 17, 2007

detektif mimpi buruk

For some reasons, permen managed to get hold of a pair of FREE tickets of 'Nightmare Detective', courtesy of My Paper, Singapore Press Holding.

So happily, cheerfully, rush-ly we watched the movie, on a rare Tuesday night, at GV Marina. The movie started at 7.15, that's why I mentioned rush-ly.

For your information, I have skipped the gym session, an extra time to study, for the coming exam on Thursday, as well as a house viewing session, for this so called Japanese thriller movie.

Prior to the movie, a guy, whom I guessed was from My Paper, gave some speech and some quizzes with some prizes. The guy spoke in Mandarin, which left us guessing what He was doing the whole time.

On contrary to our hope, well at least mine, the movie does not even close to what we / I expected to be. I think the last Japanese movies that we watched together, were Death Note 1 & 2, which is pretty much an imaginative movie, but still fare much better than this one. This one, the plot is ridiculous, the scene is murky and dark, there's too much uneccessary, erm, 'effects' and scene swapping, and worst, none of the actor is beautiful.

Luckily, there's always permen to save the day. Watching any movie with her was never boring, although I was so sad that I didn't get the chance to grab some cheesy nachos that I've been craving for since a few weeks back, but still, time is always worth spending, if you spend it with someone you love.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Ulang Tahun permen yang ke 25

It's been 2 weeks since my birthday and I just have time to blog it now. I need to recall it now =P...

It's 12 o clock midnight... The moment I've become 25 years old! Coklat greeted me from the phone. After a while, another friend jidatz called me. Then he passed the phone to ahong. And I received a few sms after that, j, s and h. =)

Pagi2 benar, permen bangun dan berangkat ke kantor. Orang kantor ga tau hari ini hari ultah nya permen. Email, sms dan telp terus berbunyi pertanda teman2 permen yg memberikan selamat. Akhirnya orang kantor tau juga sih gara2 plyw melihat email permen yang ada ucapan selamatnya.

Permen menunggu2 bunga yg katanya sih sudah dijanjikan coklat. Penuh harap aka sebel sebab jarum pendek sudah melewati angka empat dan bunga tidak kunjung datang. Tak hanya itu, coklat pun sengaja tidak memberikan jawaban yg pasti ketika dihujani pertanyaan oleh permen. Jarum jam terus berputar... telp berdering, ternyata admin baru saja memberitahukan ada paket untuk permen. Was2 tak percaya permen pun mengambil paket itu... Ternyata bunga yang dijanjikan (secara tidak pasti =P) tiba juga.

Ternyata, alasan coklat terus bertanya apakah ada paket yg datang karena coklat baru menyadari nama yg dimasukin itu salah... *doenk... Tapi tidak apa-apa, bunga nya akhirnya tiba dengan selamat dan sangat manis dan indah sekali =D.

Akhirnya jam 6 pun tiba, waktu pulang kantor. Coklat menjemput dengan Mazda pinjemannya. Katanya coklat sih mau ke Fn terus pulang makan di hawker. Terus akhirnya parkir di Ritz Carlton. Kirain sih makan di sana, ternyata jalan terus, masuk ke Chjmes. Naek tangga, ga jelas, nyasar. Terus setelah bertanya pada pelayan di sana, tibalah kami di resto jap. Setting nya menarik sekali. Ada ruangan privat yang bisa diisi sekitar 10 orang.

Abis pesen makanan, potong kue, foto2 terus pulang de =) . Senangnya..... Makanannya lumayan enak, temen2 juga dateng buat rayain. Makasih buat Ali, Jane, Dapit, Aiz dan Aconk yang uda dateng. Makasih juga buat kado2nya. Dan yang paling penting, terima kasih buat coklat yg uda ngumpulin temen2 dan bikin rencana ini =).

Last but not least, thanks God for the wonderful life and another year that you have given me. =)